Business Help


Building a successful, sustainable business can have its ups and downs.

At Y(E)P, we want to make the journey a little easier for you.

Entrepreneurship Facilitators provide one-on-one business advisory, coaching and mentoring services to small business owners who would like some help in their self-employment journey.

We aim to assist entrepreneurs in overcoming barriers to self-employment including providing services and referring to internal and external services/mentors as needed by our clients.

Visit from Steve Baxter

Regular business workshops from local experts

Highly attended events - great for networking

Local Business Groups

When you’re in business for yourself, it doesn’t mean you need to be in business by yourself. Cairns has many business representative and networking groups that can help you start or grow your business through building relationships. Groups vary in their membership and function types, and frequency of meeting.

Cairns Business Women’s Club

The CBWC is a not for profit organisation that supports women in business in Cairns.

They hold monthly luncheons with guest speakers for members and non-members to learn and foster business networks.

Cairns Chamber of Commerce

The Cairns Chamber of Commerce actively help develop business growth for their members and the wider Cairns community. This group has a strong focus on helping their members gain the right resources for business success. They hold monthly luncheons and provide advocacy for their members.

Cairns Young Chamber

This group aims at helping young leaders of tomorrow develop and harness their business skills. The Cairns Young Chamber is dedicated to helping people who are seeking out professional development and network opportunities.

Cairns Forum 4 Business Growth

A group formed as a business networking group for local Cairns businesses. They provide a professional environment where you can meet like-minded individuals on a regular basis to build relationships and growth.

Douglas Chamber of Commerce

Douglas Chamber of Commerce represents business interests in the Douglas Shire, collaboratively driving growth for the broader community. The role of the Chamber of Commerce includes monitoring & liaising with stakeholders, providing a forum for local business, and working with other organisations for the growth of the region.

Startup Tablelands

Startup Tablelands is a social enterprise delivering programs to encourage and support an entrepreneurial mindset, grow innovation skills and harness local opportunities. Federal and State Governments are now providing ongoing support for innovation pathways also.

Innisfail District Chamber of Commerce

The Innisfail District Chamber of Commerce Industry & Tourism focuses on enhancing prosperity for local business through leadership, collaborative action and advocacy within a frame work of fellowship & engagement.

Tully Chamber of Commerce

Tully & District Chamber of Commerce is a community of local business people focused on the growth of the Tully & surrounding region. Through the sharing of ideas, collaborative business events and supporting one another, they are working to see the Tully region thrive.

Cassowary Coast Business Womens Network

The Cassowary Coast Business Women’s Network (CCBWN) provides business networking, support, development and the opportunity to share business ideas and experiences for women in all kinds of business in the Cassowary Coast region covering Innisfail, Tully, Mission Beach, El Arish, Kurrimine Beach, Silkwood and Cardwell.